

Growth through new impulses - inspiration through vision

"Other companies always seem to be one step ahead..."
"Where am I supposed to take so much time from..."
"Actually, I should now..."

Every entrepreneur deals with these and many other questions. Often there are endless debates with oneself, only to find oneself sobered in the end: I have turned in a circle. So you return to the initial question and have not found a solution, but lost a lot of time. We want to walk the road to success together with you. Let us work together on your success! We will show you ways to provide your company with inspiration, fresh wind and new energy: In our IMPULS WORKSHOP!

Would you like to find out more?

3 main topics


Which is the best option and how do I get into the implementation?


How can my idea shake up an existing market?


How can my company be profitable and improve humanity?


Typical questions

When is the IMPULS WORKSHOP from DRM STRATEGY the right place for you? If you are looking for a strategy consultancy that shows you new ways or you are looking for an external perspective.
Why should I book the IMPULS WORKSHOP from DRM STRATEGY? Our consulting changes your mindset and brings additional balls into the air. Through new perspectives we help you to get a visible sense of achievement.
What happens after the IMPULS WORKSHOP? We will provide you with the results in written form. In addition, there are many possibilities for a successful cooperation - in a 1:1 mandate or in the form of a project.
How does the IMPULS WORKSHOP distinguish itself from the rest of the DRM STRATEGY range? Similar content in abbreviated form can be found in formats such as our STRATEGY BREAKFAST.
How many people can participate in the IMPULS WORKSHOP? We design the workshop according to your requirements. For groups of more than 5 people working subgroups will be formed.


Duration: Half day or full day
Date: by arrangement
Place: by arrangement
Invest: according to requirements


The do-it-yourself approach for sole proprietors or managing directors of SMEs: Are you new to your role or would you like to move up to a more professional level?

So you want to learn more about the strategy development process and implementation and track it down for your company in two days?

We offer you a format in an activating environment, among like-minded entrepreneurs.


This workshop is held in cooperation with the "STRATEGIC ENTREPRENEUR SYSTEM" program, the successful ecosystem for ambitious entrepreneurs, of the sister company STA Strategy To Action Academy.



Typical questions

Why should I book an IMPULSE WORKSHOP by DRM STRATEGY? Our consulting transforms your mindset and opens new horizons. We support you in realizing your perspectives to measurable results.
Wie viele Personen können am DIY Strategieprozess Workshop teilnehmen? Die Teilnahmegebühr umfasst die Ihre Teilnahme sowie die Ihres Geschäfts- und / oder Lebenspartners. Die Teilnehmeranzahl ist insgesamt auf 30 Personen beschränkt.
Wann bietet sich der DIY Strategieprozess Workshop von DRM STRATEGY an? Wenn Sie am Anfang des Unternehmertuns stehen oder eine fundamentale Veränderung und Weiterentwicklung anstreben.
Wie geht es nach dem DIY Strategieprozess Workshop weiter? Sie starten energiegeladen und mit neuen Kontakten in die Implementierung Ihrer neu entwickelten Unternehmensstrategie. Wenn Sie nach weiteren Business-Trainigsmodulen in verschiedenen relevanten Gebieten (Branding & Marketing, Sales & Verhandlung, Mindset, Einfluss & Auftreten, Technologie) suchen und einen bzw. mehrere Coaches für Begleitung und Erfolgssicherung suchen, wird Sie das Programm des Schwesterunternehmens STA Strategy to Action Academy interessieren.
Wie grenzt sich der DIY Strategieprozess Workshop vom restlichen Angebot von DRM STRATEGY ab? Dieser Workshop ist speziell auf Klein- und Kleinstunternehmer abgestimmt, die selbst dazulernen und sich persönlich weiterentwickeln möchten.


Duration: Half day or full day
Date: by arrangement
Place: by arrangement
Invest: according to requirements
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